What is the Danish Young Acousticians Network?
The Danish Young Acousticians Network (DYAN) is a non-profit initiative within the Danish Acoustical Society (DAS), to facilitate young acousticians, including students, and researchers in Denmark concerning acoustics, for example, to advise on relevant projects.
We organize events at conferences and provide not-for-profit services that contribute to the acoustics community. These services include the DYAN section on the DAS website, a monthly newsletter and many communication channels to enable networking.
The DYAN is addressed to any early-career acoustician (Bachelor, Master, PhDs and Postdocs) in or from Denmark, including early-career consultants and engineers.
What is the aim of the DYAN?
The DYAN aims to establish a community for young researchers, students, and professionals from all research (public and private) consultancy-based organizations in Denmark; to connect them; to provide support for relevant issues as needed.
DYAN’s mission statement is, “To connect and support all young Danish acousticians, including students, researchers and professionals, and strengthen their network, and provide any help they may need, for example, advise on research projects, research supervisions and consultancy, help connect with other fellow acousticians (seniors, juniors) in Denmark and abroad.”
What can DYAN do for young researchers and professionals as well as students?
- DYAN organizes student events at scientific conferences, which provides an excellent opportunity to get in touch with other people working in Acoustics
- We maintain a mailing list to provide information to members on important subjects. Here, you can get information about student awards and grants, offers of internships and, of course, information concerning DYAN activities and a monthly newsletter, including, e.g., job postings, conference and other important event deadlines
- DYAN aims to create a discussion forum on LinkedIn and Twitter, and we are also on social networks. This allows sharing your ideas with other young acousticians, and discusses matters such as technical questions, work opportunities and much more.
- DYAN has active e-mail support! If you have questions, you are welcome to contact us, and we will try to answer your question and/or provide the contact details of the best person(s) to assist you.
What young researchers and professionals can do for DYAN?
As a not-for-profit initiative, the DYAN always welcomes people who to want to contribute actively to the network. You can contribute in the following areas:
- Contribute your own experiences, e.g. interesting research-based findings
- Become DYAN member
- Organize or help organize student events
- Inform others in your network about the DYAN, and encourage them to join it
If you are interested in contributing, please get in touch with the DYAN team by writing to us: dyan@d-a-s.dk.
Why should you become a member of the DYAN?
When you register, you have the option to provide some information about yourself (fields of interest, languages, etc.). Gathering and providing information such as this enables us to provide you with information specific to your interests and to put you in touch with others in your fields of interest. Membership is also necessary to reduce the likelihood of site misuse and spam.
Does the DYAN membership have any financial charges?
The DYAN membership is free of charge for anyone (unlike DAS, free for students only) and does not come with any responsibilities. You can end your membership whenever you wish. It will only be used for purposes regarding student networking, for example. If you wish to cancel your membership, please contact the DYAN board.
Get Connected
Are you looking for a way to join the DYAN? Click here to sign up. This one-stop registration form is for our mailing list and online community!
Also, if you are looking for a way to connect with other fellow acousticians, or need help or have a question, feel free to e-mail us at: dyan@d-a-s.dk!
You are very welcome to join DYAN’s Discord server! (How? Information to be updated here soon)
What is the organizational structure of the DYAN? Who are the mentors and the people involved?
The organizational structure is as follows below. More positions (e.g. Social Media Manager) are expected to be added to the organization structure. We are also building a network of local representatives, which is now covering the majority of European countries and also some non-Europeans. DYAN is a part of and supported by the EAA Young Acousticians Network.

Jibran Khan, PhD
Department of Environmental Science,
Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark.
Founding Chair – DYAN

Lars Bramsløw, PhD
Eriksholm Research Centre,
Snekkersten, Denmark
DYAN Mentor and President DAS,